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Children's Activities

"Spock. This child is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do… spank it?" — Star Trek Motion Picture

Children’s Programming will return in an area with lots of great fun activities, games, and much, much more!

Some of our reoccurring activities will include, but not limited to the following: Pottery with Kim Fritts, Pac-Man Challenge, Karaoke for Teens and everybody, Duct Tape Armor and instant Costuming, Children's Masquerade, LEGO My Monster, and Propulsion with the Challenger Learning Center. There will be more, just check your program.

We will always need volunteers and materials to assist us in making these events happen.

Children’s Programming IS for:

  • Children who want to have a good time with great activities.
  • Children who are between the ages of 3 and 15. (Everyone who feels like they are between these ages are also welcome to these events.)
  • Children who can behave themselves. (Everyone who feels like they can behave themselves are also welcome.)
  • For the Parents

    Children’s Programming is not day care; parents retain full responsibility for their children at all times! Parents are encouraged to remain with their children during activities!

    The people on the panel, doing the workshop, telling the stories, etc. will not be supervising your children, and will not keep them from leaving the room. If your children require supervision, then you should plan to attend children’s programming along with them.

    Archon currently has a sizable number of young adult members. We plan a series of program items, workshops, films, and presentations of interest to our young members.

    We are planning and will be participating in the parade through the convention center; a Children’s Masquerade; readings by our Author Guests; and so much more.

    All of these activities will be listed in both the “Pocket Program” as well as the full program book you’ll get at Registration.

    Note: All participant’s in Children’s Programming must have badges on and visible at all times.

    Young Adults

    Are you between the ages of 13 to 20 years old? Do you ever wish that there could be some activities just for you? Well, you're in luck now. Starting this year, Archon will have a programming track just for you. Young Adult programming will feature panels on Karaoke and a special chance to show off your Steampunk or Cosplay costumes!

    More Information

    Kristen Albers